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Ad code: 229157
Fiat 40 genius used of the 2001
- Brand Fiart Mare
- Typology Open
- Vessel Status Used
- Year of construction 2001
- VAT Included
- Ad type I offer
- Beds 8
- Number of bathrooms 1
- Length (m) 12.45
- Width (m) 3.97
- Displacement (tons) 9
- Motor 2 x 260 Hp - Volvo Penta KAD 44 Turbo - Entro Fuori Bordo Diesel - Ore moto: 860
- Visible to Marche IT
Fiart 40 Genius in 3 cabins and 1 bathroom version! Full optional: 220v 3.5 kw generator, reversible climate (hot/cold), bow thruster, double kitchen (internal + external), table in the cockpit...
Technical details
- Air Conditioning
- Galley
- Depth Sounder
- Refrigerator
- Inverter
- Log
- Gangway
- Autopilot
- 12V Outlets
- 220V Outlets
- VHF Radio
- Windlass Anchors
- Sunshade
Request information
Commercial Mr. L. Boltri
Viale Gramsci 16
10093 Torino(TO)
Other announcements from the seller
10093 Torino(TO)
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Request information
Commercial Mr. L. Boltri
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